Many people think that, when you are in a foreign location, you can commit all the irregularities of the road that aren’t allowed in your country of origin, because it is believed (wrongly) that there will be no risk related to fines or penalties. In reality, things are not quite like this: first of all, it must be said (although it should not be necessary) that not committing irregularities should be a matter of common sense and respect for the citizen, and it is also very important to remember that, if during a police check if an irregularity is highlighted (for example, an invalid driving license or the absence of documents), the fines could be very high. It is therefore necessary to pay the utmost attention not only to one’s own behavior on the road, but also to prepare properly and plan one’s trip in the best possible way, also from the point of view of the documentation to be possessed: furthermore, asking for a guide on the highway code is very useful. , because it allows you to know what you will encounter in case of non-compliance with the rules.
When traveling in an unfamiliar place, people often forget to inquire about the behavioral rules to keep on the road, but it is very important to check them in advance.
Among the most common mistakes that are committed above all by motorcyclists, for example, we remember that of driving without a helmet: we must instead know that driving with a helmet is not mandatory only in Italy, and that this rule is not written only as a matter of respect for other motorcyclists, but also for their own safety and that of others. Another mistake is to drive without a valid driver’s license in Thailand: if you don’t have the required documentation and the police stop you at a checkpoint, not only will you risk yourself, but the rental company that rented the motorbike will also be at risk. without verifying that I was in possession of it. It should also be remembered that, contrary to popular belief, roadside checks are very frequent, not only at night, but also during the day and also on less busy roads.
To drive a motorcycle in Thailand, therefore, you must have an international driving license (IDP) or a Thai license: if you are stopped, possession of this document is the first thing you will be asked for, but it is also possible that , especially if you are a tourist, you are subjected to other checks, for example the verification of sobriety (i.e. that you have not drunk alcohol and you are not drunk) and the possible search to check that you are not in possession of drugs: specifically, it is important that you know that electronic cigarettes (very famous and used in Italy) are considered here as a drug.
In case you are stopped by the police for a check, we still advise you not to get upset and not to be aggressive: in fact, these behaviors could arouse suspicion and the police may not be very tolerant and friendly with those who show not respecting the uniform (besides to the highway code).
If you are stopped and you do not have a regular international driving license, you will have to pay a fine in cash at the nearest police station and, after doing so, you will be pardoned for a period of 24 hours: after this period, if you will come again stopped, you will have to pay the fine again. The crime of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, on the other hand, is also subject to imprisonment: in this case you may not have to pay only the fine.
One last tip: if you know a few words of the local language, it could be very useful to try to communicate with the police who, in this case, could soften his position and tolerate some less risky behavior. In any case, it’s always good that you know and respect the rules of the place you arrive as a guest: therefore, do so not only to avoid fines, but also as a behavioral rule to show respect and gratitude.